
Thursday, May 29, 2008


I really wish you could hear/read the blog I keep in my head, well maybe not. I wish I could download it straight from my brain and then edit it before you can read it. I'd post a lot more if that were possible.

We got back from our cruise last Friday and it was WONDERFUL!! I hope to write more about it, but right now I need to vent.

Before I went on the cruise, I was having stomach pain on a daily basis. I've been eating Tums like candy and finally invested in some Pepcid, because the Tums weren't cutting it. I was also having memory and focus problems. I needed to see my doctor anyway for a regular check up, so I scheduled it for after the cruise.

Turns out, on the cruise my stomach didn't hurt once! The memory problems are harder to gage because I didn't have as much responsibility. My first day back at work, the stomach pain had returned. So, what's the culprit? Stress of course. Lately I've had more work to do that I have time to do. In order to get it all done, I'd have to work 50+ hours a week. Some of my co-workers do, but I'm just not willing to do that. I need to have a life outside of work! I love the organization I work for. I enjoy the work, but the volume is too much.

My Dr. agreed with my diagnosis, and she wishes she could write me a prescription to stay on a cruise for the rest of my life. If only! There are some promising changes coming up that could lighten my load. They've hired a high school student to work part time this summer and her first order of business is to do my filing. That's all kinds of awesome! We have one more big event before we're done with special events for the year. If things don't improve enough, I'll have to talk to the big cheeses about lightening my load. I'm not sure how that will go over.