Natural Bridge
Jason and I spent Labor Day weekend in a cabin in the Natural Bridge/ Red River Gorge area with my Mom & Dad, my sister and her family . I never thought I would spend an entire weekend with my family and come away so satisfied and wanting more. If you could've seen my family 15 years ago, we were an absolute mess. A weekend together would've involved lots of fighting and some drunkenness. One by one and two by two God has called us to faith in Him and we've slowly been transformed. On Sunday morning, we held our own church service around the campfire. I brought my guitar and everyone picked out one of their favorite worship songs and we praised God together. We read from Mom's favorite devotional, The Daily Bread. We discussed and shared how God has been moving in our lives and what He's been teaching us. We shared favorite Bible verses and we prayed. My family is evidence that God is real and that He transforms lives.
More evidence of God is found in the beauty of His creation. I actually hiked the strenuous uphill trail to the natural bridge. I know I pushed my body close to it's limit. On the way back down, my legs started trembling and continued to tremble an hour and a half later, even after sitting for a while and eating. It was good for me and it was worth it. Check out the pictures:
More evidence of God is found in the beauty of His creation. I actually hiked the strenuous uphill trail to the natural bridge. I know I pushed my body close to it's limit. On the way back down, my legs started trembling and continued to tremble an hour and a half later, even after sitting for a while and eating. It was good for me and it was worth it. Check out the pictures:
Balanced Rock
My Dad made his own mini Balanced Rock
At 7:30 AM , scott d said...
there are so many things in this post that get me all pumped up. thanks for writing it, and may god be praised for all the awesome-ness written here.
At 10:16 AM , MrsSpock said...
I'm a big fan of Natural Bridge as well, but I admit actually looking over the ledge scares the bejeebies out of me...
At 2:03 PM , Anonymous said...
It was such a nice laid back time. Glad we went. Enjoyed the time together - especially the funny stories... and church of course. So glad God is present in all our lives!
love ya
At 11:48 AM , Ceen_Marie said...
How awesome. God's creation is so beautiful- and your thoughts about you family's faith and fellowship are so encouraging. Thanks for sharing, Jen!
At 5:52 PM , Tennessee Mama Duck said...
That is so awesome! It is beautiful country out there!
My cousin once camped on Natural Bridge in a tent. He got out late at night and accidently fell off the bridge. It was awful. They had to rescue him the next morning by helicopter. He had several injuries, but survived it.
On a better note, I was in a wedding that took place on top of Natural Bridge. It was beautiful. The music was all acoustic guitar. We let loose Monarch butterflies at the end. It was really pretty.
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